
What We Do

We Save You Money on Your Next Energy Bill

New to Energy deregulation?

The power to choose is powerful! If your state has deregulated electricity and/or natural gas that means you have the option to get your energy supplied from one of our suppliers rather than pay the default utility rate. This could save you money, provide you with a contract that is more manageable and predictable, or both! The energy itself is the exact same. It will still be delivered by your local utility company, and in many cases the bill may come directly from them as well, but the price will be cheaper!

Why are the prices less?

There are a lot of suppliers out there to choose from and the energy is the same. This means suppliers will fight to get your business and their best bargaining chip is the price. This means lower prices for you! These suppliers may have different contract language, terms, fees, and customer service histories-that’s why it’s important to have us on your side! We only work with suppliers who have passed our internal vetting process and live up to the high standards our clients expect and deserve. And the suppliers want to work with us so they find the best clients (YOU.)

You Pay Us Nothing!

How it Works

What if we can't save you money?

This is rare, but it can happen. We will be the first to tell you if we can’t save you money, and we will be upfront and honest about why. We charge you no fees and require no commitments to us, so you can walk away at any time with no harm done to you or your business. But it might just be a timing thing! These are commodities after all, and their prices are constantly changing. If so, you can always reach out to us again. We will be ready and eager to try again!


See How We Can Help You

Bill Consultation

money, saving, savings

Energy bills can be confusing. We make them simple! If you have questions about the charges on your energy bill, we can explain what they are for and if you have an opportunity to save money. Why pay more than you have to? Get an expert opinion on your energy bill today. Contact us. 

Commercial & Residential Electricity

electricity, power poles, power lines

If you’re a business or household of any size with an electricity bill in New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Texas we can help get you a lower rate! We’ll be there every step of the way from consultation through the lifecycle of your energy contract to answer any questions you might have or help in any way we can.

Above and Beyond Customer Service

money, rocket, space

We work to make sure you have a supplier that works for you and the right product type, contract language, length, and price. We get to know you and/or your business and help you decide on the right fit. And if you have something in particular in mind already? We work with you to make it happen. 

Commercial & Residential Natural Gas

stove, burner, flame

If you’re a business or household of any size with a natural gas bill in New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania we can help get you a lower rate. No strings attached! Not sure you’re ready to sign a new contract? No worries. We’ll consult with you on your current bill and give you our professional opinion on your rates and product plans. We’ll find you the best price going forward. Then it’s your choice how to proceed!

Ready to see how much you can save?